9/27/2018 0 コメント Microsoft Office Users' EventOn September 15th I attended an event at Microsoft's head office in Shinagawa.
The event was called 『Microsoft Officeユーザー 感謝祭! ”今よりもっと”を最新のOfficeで』 When I say "attended", I was actually asked to MC three sessions. The participants were 100% Japanese, and while I am not a good judge of age I would guess they were mostly aged 30-55 and 70% male. As a translator and business owner, I am a heavy MS Office user but this event focused on Office 365, which I have never used, so it was all completely new to me. And although it was also somewhat irrelevant to my work situation, it was actually quite fascinating to see a) what Office 365 is capable of and b) how it is being used by people outside the translation community. Here is a random list of some of my take aways from the event: 1. An MS employee demonstrated giving a presentation using PPT with real-time translations of whatever he was saying appearing as subtitles below the slides on the screen. While not 100% accurate the concept is fascinating and will surely be usable in the future as technology improves. 2. Joint editing of Word docs is still sluggish but I can see how it could be used by translation companies to check large documents when deadlines are tight IF the sliggishness is resolved. 3. Two of the three speakers connected their phones to the projector to demonstrate apps 4. MS's technology (in the rooms) was all new to me. I had a switch been the speakers' screens (PC) and another screen (PC) showing sponsor details during the breaks. The rooms had two screens and some speakers demonstrated functions by hooking up each screen to a different PC or phone. As a speaker, having such options opens up the possibilities when preparing a presentation. 5. One speaker explained that Line and FB Messenger are now more secure than email due to the encoding/encryption these apps use. Skype for Business, he said, is the safest way to send files. 6. Said speaker also commented on the US trend of employing experts versus the Japanese trend of outsourcing tasks. He also mentioned the differences between the US and Japan in the way application forms are written (designed). 7. I am not a tech person so a lot of the presentations went over my head but it was still very interesting, and I got a good sense of where the world is heading in terms of technology, and I'm glad I "attended".
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9/25/2018 0 コメント セミナー案内:サイマル・アカデミーでワークショップを担当します!2018年10月28日(日)にサイマルアカデミーの東京校でワークショップを担当します。
タイトルは「ネイティブ翻訳者が教える日英契約書翻訳ワークショップ 」です。 翻訳学校でワークショップを担当するのは3年ぶり! サイマルアカデミーのウエブサイトに詳細は書かれていますが、一部をここで紹介します。 __ 【第1部】 法務文書の翻訳と通常の文書での翻訳の違いや的確な翻訳をする為に知っておくべきことなど、契約書の英訳について一から分かりやすく説明します。レイアウトをはじめ、決まり文句、「甲」「乙」「丙」や数字の扱いなど、翻訳時に悩む点も取り上げます。また、法務翻訳をする上で必要な情報、有益なリソースやツール、検索方法、最近の動向などもご紹介します。 【第2部】 実際の契約書から一般条項を中心に翻訳演習を行います。一般条項には、定義・契約期間・裁判管轄・準拠法・不可抗力・準拠法・知的財産権・反社会的勢力排除などが含まれ、どんな業種や種類の契約書でも取り決めておくべき一般的な条項です。実務で扱う頻度が高く、翻訳のコツを知っておくことは重要です。 __ 申込締切は10月16日(火)です。 I'll be running a workshop on legal translation for Simul Academy on October 28. 9/24/2018 0 コメント セミナー案内:To Be or Not To Be…Productive今年の夏に大阪で開催された第29回英日・日英翻訳国際会議にて、「To Be or Not To Be…Productive」のタイトルで生産性を上げるための様々な便利技を紹介しました。
このたび、日本翻訳者協会の東京活動委員会(TAC)にて同じタイトルで内容を掘り下げてセミナーをします。 大阪では参加者とインタラクティブにセッションを進めました。そのときに参加者からいただいた質問や提案も今回のセミナーでできるかぎり紹介します。 さらに、大阪では時間の都合で紹介しなかった技(パソコンのTIPSの実際の動き、時間管理の技など)をじっくり紹介します。 大阪では参加できなかった方も大阪で参加された方も何かを持ち帰っていただけるようなセミナーにします。 ぜひお越しください! 日時:2018年10月20日 14時~17時 場所:TKP 品川カンファレンスセンター 8H号室 お申し込み: https://jat.org/ja/events/event/to-be-or-not-to-be...productive I'll be giving a presentation on productivity for the Japan Association of Translators (JAT) in Shinagawa on October 20th. The presentation will be an extended version of the presentation I gave at the 29th International Japanese-English Translation (IJET) conference in July. This time I will have more time to explain in detail some of the tips I didn't have time to introduce properly at IJET. I also plan on more audience participation so please come prepared to share your tips too! Check out the JAT website for more details: https://jat.org/events/event/to-be-or-not-to-be...productive |
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